Computer Not Booting?
There's nothing worse: you're about to do some work when you find that your computer won't load.Whether it's a blue screen, a really long error message or even a completely dead system; we can help! We'll diagnose the issue and have you up and running again in no time.
Laptop Repair
Broken screens, faulty power sockets, no power; we've seen (and fixed!) it all.Give us a call and we can go over the options with you so you can make the choice that best suits your requirements and budget. If you decide to go ahead, great! If not, that's fine too!
Virus Removal
Spyware, malware, trojans, viruses, ransomware...It seems that there's a never-ending queue of rogue software out to get you, but don't worry, at Continuum-IT we're well versed in how to get your PC back to fighting fit health.
Running Slow?
There's nothing more frustrating than waiting for your computer to finish loading up after switching it on, or waiting for what seems like hours for a piece of software to run after clicking the icon 20 times.There are a lot of options to fix a slow system, give us a call and we'll explain what they are and what you can expect.
System Upgrade
There's no need to throw out that computer yet!Whether it's some extra RAM or a shiny new Solid State Hard Drive, we've got it covered. There are loads of different options, give us a call and we can take you through them so you can decide what suits your needs.
Data Retrieval
Corrupt file system? Faulty hard drive?We know how frustrating or even upsetting it can be to lose data: family photos, important documents etc. Thankfully, at Continuum-IT we have specialist software and plenty of know-how to save your data. Give us a try!